The past three months were exceedingly busy ones for all ranks of the Regiment. We have been engaged in an unprecedented number of competitions; drills and parades have been unremittingly the order of the day. We have been inspected by the Inspector General of Cavalry, and the Major General Commanding the Rawal Pindi Division, and by way of side shows, Squadrons have been frequently detailed as part of forces operating around Rawal Pindi, bivouacking at night, and returning to Cantonments next day. In every case the Regiment has come out with credit, and can now look forward to the less exacting hot-weather routine, with pleasant reflexions, and much complacency.
On dit that the reports of both Inspecting Generals are of an unusually complimentary nature. Accustomed as we are to the eulogies of Inspecting Officers, those expressed on the present fighting condition, and interior economy of the Regiment, give us much pleasure; We know that they are results of every Officer, N. C. Officer and man; merited and earned by dint of hard work. We must now spare no effort to ensure still better reports in the future, and if all will work, loyally and cheerfully, as they have done in the last year, there can be no doubt that this end will be attained.
FULL particulars of participation in competitions and sports are given in other columns; by these it will be seen that the Regimental standard of excellence, in every branch, has been well maintained.
THE VICTORY of our team in the Inter-Regimental Polo Cup Tournament is worthy of more than passing mention. It establishes a record in the Regimental history of battles in the field of sport, it being the third year in succession in winning the most coveted polo trophy in this country. In the year 1881 it was won by a team consisting:
Lieut. R. B. Fisher.
Lieut. Hon. H. T. Allsopp
Since then no shield of the many on the Cup is inscribed with the names of Officers of The Tenth until 1906, the first of the last three memorable years. In each of the earlier years of the victory, the rival teams were the Rifle Brigade. We have yet to compete for Premier Honours, as the cup has been won three times in succession by the 9th Lancers, 1883, ’84 and ’85, by the Bays in 1892, ’93 and ’94, by the Durham Light Infantry in 1896, ’97 and ’98, and four times by the 16th Hussars, 1902, ’03, ’04 and ’05. With the players now in the Regiment, under the leadership of our Colonel, we look forward with no small degree of confidence, to the attainment of the top position.
THE performance of Captain Mitford’s team, in the Tournaments at Sialkot and at Rawalpindi, deserve special allusions. Although in the latter the final victory did not rest with them ,it was a highly creditable feat for a Squadron team to fight its way into the final stage of a competition open to Regiments.
VERY pleasing incidents of the quarter have been the visits of friends of the Regiment, from England; we have been pleased to welcome the Count de Madre, who took a prominent part in the Tradesman’s Cup Polo Tournament during his stay with us. Mr., the Hon. Mrs. and Miss Williams, who spent a month in Pindi, on a visit to Captain Williams, and Mr. Gregson, the Adjutant of the Grenadier Guards, paid a call en route from the Khyber to Bombay.
The associations of Mr. Gregson has spread over a number of years, the first occasion on which we met being, it is believed, in the spring of 1884, when the Tenth formed part of the Tolkar Expeditionary Force, at Suakin. We have never lost sight of him since, other notable meetings having taken place at York, Salisbury Plain and in South Africa, where, as a Gordon Highlander, he took part in the War.
When we were stationed at York, Mr. Gregson lived in Bramham Moor, where he frequently entertained, in a most hospitable manner, parties of N. C. Officers and their wives.
Some of his erstwhile guests are still with us, and were very glad to see him here last month.
Mr. Gregson visited, amongst other Institutions, the Sergeants’ Mess. a visit which not only enabled the members to renew, and in the case of the younger ones, to make his acquaintance, but also resulted in another instance of his generosity, and interest in the Mess. It is to take the form of a gift, to all the dining members, of handsome drinking cups of Prince’s Plate.
This will constitute a handsome addition to the Mess property, and a much valued souvenir of the donor.
FOLKS now-a-days speak glibly of the shrinkage of the earth. This, of course, is only a figure of speech; an allusion to the contrast in the time now taken in visiting the uttermost ends of the inhabited globe, and that formerly occupied. Rapid modes of transport from places to others, far distant, does undoubtedly infuse and idea that the earth is much smaller in these days.
Going back no further than 1846, when the Regiment came to India for the first time, we learn that:
“C” and “D” Troops embarked on board the ship “Brahmin” on the 30th April; Head Quarters, with “A” and “B” Troops, on the ship “Larkins”, and “E” and “H” Troops on the ship “Hindustan” followed on the 5th May; and the remaining Troops, “F” and “G” on board the “Persia” on the 7th May.
The embarkations were all effected at Gravesend.
The “Persia”, evidently the greyhound of the party, arrived in Bombay on the 21st August, having taken 106 days on the voyage. The “Larkins” secured second honours, with a log of 109 days, the “Brahmin” fetched up after 116 days, and the “Hindustan” reached her moorings on the 26th August, 113 days after leaving her starting point. Contemplating these times, one wonders if an official handicapper of troopships existed in those days.
Another interesting record is that of the change of station from Ireland to Scotland in April 1835. The voyage from Belfast to Glasgow occupied no less than six days.
LITTLE marvel is it that the journey to India, which is now considered a mere crossing of a ferry, was in the old times quoted above, an important undertaking, and pondered over with many misgiving.
Besides the disadvantages of time and space, the conditions of life on board were ineffably bad; the food was of a description which cannot be realised by a soldier of today, the provisions of libraries, materials for games and recreation, or any means of alleviating the monotony, were unheard of; but even under these conditions, the hardy men and women who followed the colours gallantly withstood the evils of the sea, and there appears to have been very little sickness among them.
How different today. We travel blithely by railway to the port of embarkation, and step gaily on board a well appointed ocean racer, with firm assurance that on a certain day we shall pull up at the port of our destination.
There is nothing with which the soldier can find fault, except perhaps the limits of ship space. Consequently a sea voyage, so far from being considered an ordeal, is anticipated with pleasurable excitement, and many who have returned home would eagerly have availed themselves of a journey back to their Regiments, if opportunity were afforded to them to do so.
IN an account of the presentation of medals for Long Service and Good Conduct to men of the 7th Hussars, we are pleased to note that two Old Tenths were among the recipients, viz: Bandmaster Slattery and Bandmaster Luck. We congratulate them on attainment of this honourable distinction.
TO Sergeant Major Jukes, who is serving on the Permanent Staff of the Punjab Light Horse, we also offer our congratulations on his being the recipient of similar honours.
Another Old Tenth, we read in the Indian Press, has been gaining laurels in the world of music and drama; we refer to bandsman Adams, of the Inniskilling Dragoons, whose original comic opera, entitled “The Major and the Maid” for the music and the libretto for which he is responsible, has been produced, and played to crowded houses, during the Mhow week.
WE are brought in touch with the new world-famous exploits of Lieut. Shackleton and his party, in their thrilling search for the South Pole, by the fact that one of his adventurous crew is Sir Philip Brocklehurst, a brother of our “B” Squadron Subaltern.
WE are led to hope that Sir Philip, who had to have a toe amputated in consequence of frostbite, will make a detour on his way home, and pay us a visit.
The Munster Fusiliers, our compagnons de voyage from South Africa to Bombay in 1902, who have been soldering with us here, left Rawalpindi for Nowshera in March, and were relieved at West Ridge by the Northumberland Fusiliers.
We are informed, in an official communication on anther subject, that we are to follow them in the cold season of 1910 -11; at least that we are to move in the direction of Nowshera, and occupy the new Cavalry Cantonments at Mardan. Reliable authorities, however, aver that the probabilities of the barracks being completed by that time are of the haziest description, and that Rawal Pindi will be our resting place as long as we are in India.
In the Gazette for April 1908 we had occasion to congratulate Mr. Frazer on his win, on Diabolo, of the Calcutta Paper Chase. After the lapse of just one year, we are glad to again offer our felicitations on the success of the same good horse, in the Native Cavalry Horse Chase, at Ambala, and the Point-to-Point Race at Meerut — an event open to the Meerut Division and Muttra.
THE success of the Point – to – Point Race for “The Kavanagh Cup” was assured from its inception. The rain which fell during the couple of days previous to the day, and on the morning of it, made to going good; and the interest taken in it by all of us, made for a considerable amount of enthusiasm. Speculation as to the winner was rife, and the men of every Squadron pinned their faith to horses of their own units, which “could not be beaten.”
The N. C. Officers and men were permitted to ride to the course, and a very large number took advantage of the permission. They, with a number of spectators from the station, and a goodly collection of tongas and other vehicles, made up a scene of much animation, strongly reminiscent of a race meeting at home. All were delighted with the genuine sport they witnessed, and as far as the Regiment was concerned, there was only one thing wanting to make up the total sum of entire satisfaction: that was the presence of the giver of the cup.
We are sure that his regret, occasioned by his inability to be present of the first occasion of the race, was as great as our own.
For the last time, we refer to Colonel Kavanagh in offering him the sincere and hearty congratulations of his old Regiment on his promotion to the appointment of Brigadier General. We read in the Army and Navy Gazette that he has been selected for that appointment, and that he will take over the Command of the First Cavalry Brigade from General Hon. J. Byng, on the 11th May. It is a source of extreme gratification to us all to learn that this important command is again entrusted to a Tenth Hussar, who, like his predecessor, will inevitably maintain the pitch of excellence for which it has been famed for the last three years.
TO MAJOR-GENERAL BYNG the pleasing opportunity is offered to us to congratulated him on the promotion dated today.
His total service is 26 years, 65 days. The most cursory retrospect of the records of that service establish the irrefragable conviction that never was advancement better merited, and we anticipate that in the near future further lustre will be reflected upon the Regiment by his appointment to a high post in the Army: if our anticipations are realised, none will rejoice more than his old comrade in the Tenth.
As the Brigadier of the first Cavalry Brigade at Aldershot, the General has enjoyed a popularity that has never been exceeded, not only by reason of his ability as a Cavalryman, but also for his social and sporting qualities, his knowledge of human nature, and his unfailing tact in dealing with the N. C. Officers and men in his command.
All these qualities were highly tested and firmly proved by the marvellous success with which he welded in one harmonious whole, the heterogeneous parts which went to make up the South Africa Light Horse, in the South Africa War. Every man of that Corps is prepared to give their old Commander a chit testifying that he cannot be beaten as a leader of Irregular Horse, and the British soldiers who have served under him are equally his admirers.
The following extract from a recent Aldershot publication is pertinent to our views — “Brigadier The Hon. J. H. G. Byng, one of the best sporting Officers in the command, has kindly accepted the Presidency of the Aldershot Polo Club.”
TO GENERAL SIR O’CREAGH V. C., K. C. B., the Regiment proffers its most cordial expression of pleasure, on his appointment to command the Army in India. It is an echo of the days when we served under His Excellency in Mhow, and here, which brings no recollections but exceedingly pleasant ones, and lends hope that we may, ere long, greet him in person.
Rumour hath it that a Tenth Hussar of much versatility, may return with the Commander-in-Chief to this country.
THE Davis-Cooke Inter-squadron Challenge Cup, competed for annually, under the conditions set forth in the Gazette of last October, was for the first year won by “B” Squadron; the points gained by all Squadrons were very high, and showed that the competitors had devoted much time and attention to the professional subjects which form the tests in which they are examined.
LIEUT.-COLONEL BOURNE, the President of the White Cross League, delivered a lecture in the Regimental Theatre on the 30th March; a large attendance of the men testified to the increasing interest taken in the subjects of his lecture. The mission of the League is a laudable one, and too deep thought cannot be given to its teachings.
THE statistics of the results of inoculation published in the Regimental Orders on the 12th March, show in a very convincing manner the comparative immunity from enteric fever of those who submit to this protective measure. It is a surprising fact that only a small proportion of soldiers take advantage of this prophylactic, which is so simple, causes little or no inconvenience, and has proved to be such a success. It is worthy the attention of all those who have not availed themselves of the opportunity offered, of securing an almost sure preventative against an attack of the dread disease. Indeed, we wonder greatly, not only that any neglect to do so, but also that it is not made a compulsory measure for all soldiers serving in this country.
THE bestowal of approval of H. M. The King on the International jumping competition, for Army Officers in uniform, promises to provide the most thrilling contests at the Third |International Horse Show, which will be held at Olympia, London, next June.
His Majesty has sanctioned the presentation of a £500 Gold “King Edward VII Cup” to the team of three Officers of the same nationality, which gives the finest display of horsemanship over the course.
The Duke of Connaught has identified himself with a £200 Gold Challenge Cup for competition among the British Officers.
Among the nations that will be represented are France, Holland, Spain, Italy, Turkey and the Argentine.
“Show” jumping has not hitherto appealed strongly to British Officers, but this stimulus will certainly put them on their mettle, and friendly international rivalry will be of the keenest. It is hoped that in addition to the above Japanese Cavalrymen will make their first entry to the ring, and — to add a still further dash of excitement and novelty — the Russian Government is being asked to provide a display of horsemanship by Cossacks.
AMONG other steps being made to provide employment for discharged soldiers, a bureau is about to be started at Aldershot, were men desirous of obtaining work may register their names.
THE suppression of genius is impossible. Financial duties will no more tax the mental abilities of one of our valued contributors, who now blossoms out as a poet, and in verse gives a rhyming expression of his views of the India hot weather season. Many who are anticipating another summer on the plains, will no doubt endorse his sentiments.
AFTER “our racing correspondence notes” in the January Issue, he may pose as a most reliable tipster: of the five horses he named as likely winners, four won races within a fortnight of his predictions. Verily he is a rival to that fraternity who offers to all – in exchange for modest guineas or small sums – “Naps” and “Certs” and “Dead Snips” that will make colossal fortunes, and it is well for him that the inviolable secrecy of the Press conceals his identity. Were it otherwise he would be inundated with appeals for “tips” for coming races.
ALLUSION must be made to the departure from the Regiment of Trumpeter Murray, of whom, a photograph taken at the Regimental Sports, appears in this issue.
He has most deservedly gained a reputation as a clever clown. Incongruous as may appear the combination of “soldier and clown”, all must admit that Trumpeter Murray has often amused us greatly by his fooling and jesting, which was at all times free from the faintest taint of vulgarity.
We shall many a time in the future, when attending Regimental or Garrison Sports, recall his agility – remarkable in a man of his build and age, the wonderful sympathy between him and all animals; his circus-riding feats, and his cornet solos.
We wish him the best of lick on his return to civil life after 24 years of soldering.
MR. TURNER, the latest addition to our list of Officers, joined on the 26th March, and was posted to “D” Squadron. The whole of the passengers of the “Rewa” were quarantined for a fortnight at Karachi on account of the appearance of smallpox on board.
MR. NEILSON departed on the 30th March, to join a class of instruction in Army Signalling formed at Kasauli, on the 1st April.
THE COLONEL, Capt. Meade, and Mr. Palmer represented the Regiment in the Kadir Cup pig-sticking competitions, but after winning their first nominations, did not get into the finals.
They then travelled to Forbesganj, in Eastern Bengal, where is for the season a camp known as “Colonel Vaughan’s” Camp.
That Officer has made every bandobast for pig-sticking and general in the neighbourhood, and already we hear of tremendous bags.
Mr. de Tuyll has since joined the party, on short leave. We hope to have an account of their doings for the entertainment of our readers, for our next issue.
MR. PARKER, who also rode in the Kadir, on leaving there proceeded to Bombay, to embark on the 3rd of April for leave in England.
The Regiment took part in an imposing and interesting Parade of the Rawal Pindi Garrison, on the 27th January. The occasion was the unveiling of the Statue to the memory of Her late Majesty, Queen Victoria.
It occupies a well chosen position on the Mall, facing the Murree Road, and is surrounded by a prettily laid out flower garden, with four guns at the base.
The ceremony attracted a large number of spectators, European and Native; the latter took an unusually keen interest in the proceedings, and for days after, fairly strong throngs of them assembled to gaze upon the statue, and discuss it.
The actual unveiling was performed by General Sir J. Wodehouse, who delivered a most impressive speech, and Mr. Nusserwanjee, one of the chief promoters of the movement, also read an address.
The ceremony culminated in a march past of the Troops, which on account of the unusual fact of its taking place on a well kept road, with its adjacent bungalows and compounds, and the overlooking statue of a Queen of blessed memory, was endowed with more than ordinary attractiveness.
In an order published by the General Officer Commanding, he complemented the troops on there smart appearance, and general turn-out.
The following regimental journals have been received, and are acknowledged with thanks:
The Black Horse Gazette, The Eagle
Acknowledgement of the receipt of annual subscription to The Gazette are also (tardily) made:
MANY a gap has been recently made by death in the ranks of the Old Comrades, and with great regret we record the following have been gathered in by the Grim Reaper:
MAJOR F. W. MONTRESOR who joined The Tenth as a Sub-Lieutenant on the 19th October 1872, and embarked for India with the Regiment ten weeks later. In 1878 he was transferred to the Indian Staff Corps, and posted to the 17th Bengal Cavalry, became a Captain in 1886, and Major, in which rank he retired from the Army, in 1893.
VETERINARY SURGEON HICKS-WITHERS served with The Tenth from 19th January 1854 to the 2nd January 1869, when he retired on account of ill health.
His total service was 15 years, and into it was crowded campaign experiences which fall to the lot of few soldiers. Early in 1854 he was ordered to proceed to Bulgaria, where he was posted to “E” Battery of the Light Division, and employed by Sir George Brown in purchasing baggage animals. He then proceeded to the Crimea and served in the Artillery of the Light Division in the campaign 1854-55.
He was present at the affairs of the “Bulganak” and “McKenzie’s Farm”, the battles of “Alma” and “Balaclava,” “Inkerman,” “Repulse of the sortie of the 25th October” and the “Siege and fall of Sebastopol. At “Balaclava” he was wounded and narrowly escaped with his life, for when he was about to mount his horse, he was injured by the splinter of a shell, which carried his busby off his head, and tore the saddle from the horse’s back, while another splinter killed the man who was holding his horse. He made so light of it that he did not report sick, having, as he expressed it, “a great deal to do for the wounded of the battery.”
For this campaign he received the Crimean Medal with clasps for “Alma”, “Balaclava,” “Inkerman” and “Sebastopol” and the Turkish Medal.
After the campaign he proceeded to China, and the Indian Mutiny having broken out, he was sent with a Battery to India, serving throughout the campaign of 1857-58.
He was present at the “Relief of Lucknow”, and the affairs of “Sekandar Bagh” and “Shaj Najeef,” The Battle of Cawnpore,” December 6th 1857, and the pursuit and defeat of the Gwalior Contingent, actions at “Subadar’s Tank,” “Seria Ghat,” “Chanda,” “Badshah Ganj,” “Sultanpur,” “Amirpur,” “Siege and capture of Lucknow,” action of “Bari,” attack on the “Moulvi’s Mosque,” and “Musa Bagh,” and the affairs of “Rampur,””Fateghar,” etc. (Medal with clasps.)
During all these engagements, when not employed on professional duty, he served as Orderly Officer to the Artillery Commander, and finally when, through sickness, there was a dearth of Officers, as in the pursuit of Tanta Topee, he volunteered for Subaltern’s duty and took command of two guns.
On his return from India to England on the conclusion of the Mutiny, the vessel conveying the troops became a total wreck in the Red Sea, and although few lives were lost, great hardship was endured by the troops on a coral reef before they were rescued.
On his return to England, Mr. Withers was gazetted to the 3rd Hussars, and subsequently to the Tenth, serving in the Regiment until he left the Army.
Although crippled through injuries sustained in the Crimea, he nevertheless took an active interest in matters, especially in horse breeding, the supply of remounts for the Army, and racing. He adopted the name of Lancashire in addition to Withers as a racing name, and owned a few chasers, the best of which were Badminton and Brunswick, the latter carrying his colours to fourth place in the Grand National.
SERGEANT FARRIER N. BROOKS, a native of Ripon, joined the Regiment at Aldershot on the 7th January 1858, and served with it continuously until March 1880, having been one of many who were retained in the service after completing 21 years, in consequence of the War in Afghanistan. He was awarded the medal for the campaign and the Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct.
CORPORAL W. DYTER was born at Wells, Somersetshire, and joined on the 8th February 1858. He also was held to serve beyond his engagement, and was discharged on return from Afghanistan, and returned to his native country, where the close of his life was passed.
CORPORAL G. J. MARSON started life at Newmarket, and joined on the 22nd November 1871, and served with the Regiment, including the Afghan Campaign, until the 12th April 1881, when he was sent home from Lucknow as an invalid. He served with the Depot at Canterbury until the completion of his term of limited engagement, when he took his discharge, and subsequently settled in Nottingham where he joined the Police Force, and became an Inspector in the service.
CONDUCTOR E. V. ROBLEY’s service in the Tenth was very brief. A native of Catshill, Surrey, he joined at York on the 20th February 1889, and volunteered for service in India, being transferred to the 18th Hussars on the 15th October of the same year. He was again transferred to the Indian Unattached List for employment with the Supply and Transport Corps, and was engaged with his duties at Kohat when he died from heart failure. He had only left Rawal Pindi a few days before the sad event, and the news of his death cast a gloom over his comrades of the S. and T. Corps, with whom he was very popular.
PRIVATE H. HOUSDEN, a Londoner, served with us from the 7th May 1885 to the 7th May 1892, when he was transferred to the army Reserve. He joined the City Police, and attained the rank of Sergeant, which he held at the time of his death.
CORPORAL W. JONES, of “C” Squadron, died in the Station Hospital on the 25th March, from the effects of abscess of the liver. He was sent back off manoeuvres last December, and admitted to hospital where he remained until the end. He will be long remembered as one who always took a keen interest in the Regimental Boxing Club, of which he was a member. Ever ready to fight, and a physically strong man, he was an honest fighter, and a hard hitter, who could always be relied upon for a good fight.
Only so recently as July last, the Gazette contained an account of his winning the Middle Weight Competition at the Regimental Boxing Tournament after meeting three very good men. He has fought his last earthly fight; never again will his comrades applaud “Taffy” Jones in the ring, but they will ever retain kindly memories of him, and the sympathies of the whole Regiment are given to Mrs. Jones.
He was buried at the Garrison Cemetery on the evening of the 26th March; the funeral was attended by his Squadron, the Band of the Regiment, the whole of the Corporals, many of the Sergeant-Majors and Sergeants, and the wives of the N. C. O.s and men.
MAJOR-GENERAL J.C.RUSSELL, who died at Canterbury on the 30th March, was gazetted to the 11th Hussars as a Cornet, on the 18th September 1860. He did not however join that Regiment, having been transferred to the Tenth four weeks later – 16th October 1860 – he was promoted to a Lieutenancy, by purchase, on the 16th August 1864, and appointed Instructor of Musketry on the 21st June 1864. He relinquished that appointment, to take up that of Adjutant, on the 18th October of the same year, and held it up to the 3rd April 1869.
He was promoted Captain, by purchase, on the 28th May 1870, and transferred to the 12th Lancers in 1872.
In 1873 he served in the Ashanti War, and was present at the taking of the capital – Coomassie; and in the Zulu War of 1878-79.
He commanded the 12th Lancers from 1881 to 1885, and from 1887 to 1892 was the Commandant of the Cavalry Depot at Canterbury.
“C” and “D” Troops embarked on board the ship “Brahmin” on the 30th April; Head Quarters, with “A” and “B” Troops, on the ship “Larkins”, and “E” and “H” Troops on the ship “Hindustan” followed on the 5th May; and the remaining Troops, “F” and “G” on board the “Persia” on the 7th May.The embarkations were all effected at Gravesend. The “Persia”, evidently the greyhound of the party, arrived in Bombay on the 21st August, having taken 106 days on the voyage. The “Larkins” secured second honours, with a log of 109 days, the “Brahmin” fetched up after 116 days, and the “Hindustan” reached her moorings on the 26th August, 113 days after leaving her starting point. Contemplating these times, one wonders if an official handicapper of troopships existed in those days. Another interesting record is that of the change of station from Ireland to Scotland in April 1835. The voyage from Belfast to Glasgow occupied no less than six days.
Copyright 2019 © Major Pillinger/Richard Pillinger. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited.
The Secretary of the Admiralty states that information has been received from the Commander-in-Chief at the Cape of Good Hope, dated December 3rd, reporting that the transport Ismore struck on the rocks off Columbine Point, near St Helen’s Bay, distant about 75 miles north of Table Bay, in calm, thick weather. The troops had been landed, also a quantity of baggage, most of the guns, swords, carbines and some ammunition. The men were reported to be comfortable and plenty of food available. The Admiralty was sending HM ships Niobe and Doris, also the transport Columbine, with lighters to assist.
A copy of a telegram has been received from the principal transport officer at Cape Town, dated the 4th inst., reporting that the transport Ismore (no 52.)broke up on Sunday night. Her stern is out of water and her bows gone. All hands and 20 horses were saved and will probably entrain to Malmesbury. The Ismore, which went ashore in Helen’s Bay on Sunday morning is the second transport that has come to grief on the voyage to the Cape the Persia having been disabled in a storm at St Vincent while conveying the C Squadron of Dragoons and some men of the Inniskillings on November 8th. In the latter case all the troops and horses were successfully transferred to the transport Goth, but in the case of the Ismore a large number of the horses were lost. She had on board the 63rd Field Battery, Royal Artillery from Bristol, “A” Squadron of the Tenth Hussars and a troop of “B” Squadron of the Tenth Hussars from Aldershot, and No. 9 Company (Bearer) Royal Army Medical Corp from Colchester. The military details would necessarily have with them a considerable number of horses, for the mounted troops on board number 460. As only 20 horses were reported saved, it is feared that the loss of animals is serious, inasmuch as they would not be3 of the chartered class, but selected trained chargers and gun-teams. The value placed upon such animals by military authorities is very considerable, and the loss will be much keenly felt by reason by the dearth of suitable and reliable mounts and gun-teams at the front.
It is too be hoped that the troops will be able to save the six field pieces, if not the wagons and other pieces of the Field 63rd Battery, but nothing is said as to this being effected.
The presence of warships at the scene of the wreck may have been valuable in this respect, assuming that the position of the wreck and weather permitted the sufficiently near approach of the working parties who would have the advantage of the necessary appliances for transferring the guns. The time at the disposal of those on the spot between the hours of the vessel sinking and breaking up to save much other than themselves would seem to have been very limited, and therefore it cannot be hoped that any considerable proportion of the vessel’s war stores can have been saved. It is known that with the troops were landed some guns, swords, carbines etc. and ammunition; but the bulk of Ismore’s cargo cannot have been landed in the time available. It will be remembered that the Ismore endeavoured to leave England in a gale, and after futile attempts took shelter in Moelfre Bay on the Anglesey coast until November 8th, when she put to sea four days late.
The Ismore had on board 400 rank and file of various sections. The 63rd Field Battery consisted of six officers, 170 men and 140 horses, with six 15 pounder guns 11 four-wheeled military vehicles, ambulance wagons, and stores. The Bearer Company of the Royal Army Medical Corps on board consisted of one officer and 52 men, with ambulance wagons and fittings. The A squadron and troop of B squadron of the Tenth Hussars on board numbered about 180 officers and men. There were altogether about 250 horses shipped, together with numerous wagons and vehicles. Major W Paget is the officer commanding the Field battery , and Major Alexander the Hussars.
The Press Association added that 230 valuable horses have been lost to the British cavalry and artillery proceeding to the front by the wreck of the Ismore. It is scarcely possible that the numerous ambulance wagons and other vehicles referred to in the above telegram can have been saved owing to the difficulties of transfer, and consequently one of the most important non-combative branches of the military service has lost probably their conveyance and medical equipment and supplies.
From the Glasgow Herald 3rd December 1889
By kind Permission of the British Library Board.