In entering upon this, our third year, and reviewing the past one from an X. R. H. Gazette point of view, we have every reason to be satisfied with the retrospect. The popularity of our little journal appears not only to be firmly established, but also, judging from a steadily increasing demand for it, increasing. On two occasions during the year the whole issue was quickly sold out, and the not displeasing necessity arose, perforce, to regret inability to meet orders.
The cost of production, it may not generally be known, is very much in excess of that at which the paper is sold to the Regiment, and financial reasons demand that only sufficient copies to meet estimated orders are ordered from the publishers.
No more complete contemporary history of the Regiment can be imagined, and we should like to suggest, to avoid disappointment to those who desire to acquire copies regularly during their service in it, that they place an order for the quarterly issues with their Quarter-Master-Sergeants: from these standing orders it could be determined, with some approximation of accuracy, how many need be ordered from the publishers, and loss from unsold copies avoided.
A few copies of Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 are still available and will be sold at the usual price to anyone requiring them.
One instance at least is authenticated, of a possessor of a copy of no. 1 having recently disposed of it at ten times its original value!
Our very grateful thanks are due and forthcoming, to the very liberal support of the Officers, past and present, by whose aid it is only practicable to sell the Gazette to the N. C. Officers and men at the price charged; also to all those who have contributed “copy” so generously, and finally to those firms who have advertised in our columns.
We must confess to a shade of disappointment that contributions to our columns from the men of the Regiment have been so negligible a quantity. We are sure that many could furnish many an article, essay, anecdote, or drawing which would be of interest, and it is hoped that Volume III will contain numerous such contributions from their pens or pencils.
In thus opening out third Volume, we are very optimistic about our future, and rely upon all friends of the Gazette to stand by it, thereby enabling an expansion of the letterpress, and increase of the illustrations, and general improvements.
We congratulate very heartily the Editor of the 12th Royal Lancers’ Magazine on the appearance of his first number, a copy of which we have been privileged to see; it is hoped that the X. R. H. Gazette will be placed upon his exchange list, and future copies sent officially, according to Regimental journalistic custom.
No. 1 is an admirably edited paper, profusely illustrated, with excellent letterpress which cannot fail to appeal to all who feel any interest in the Regiment. If the standard set by it is maintained in the future, the editor need not apprehend the “reader’s indulgent eye” for which he craves will be withheld. His intentions are set forth in the opening editorial paragraph, the very alluring result of which, as conceived by his readers, are certainly more than realised in his first issue.
The “recognised wits” have fully justified the editor’s description of them; the magazine simple scintillates with their jeux d’esprit, and who is not content with their sallies is indeed fastidious. We of the British Cavalry Regiment at Pindi join heartily in the mirth which the lucubrations of the jesters excite, and take the credit which they declare is our due for gaining a measure of success in our meeting with the bovine troop.
Envying it with the possession of its clever caricaturist, we welcome, with the strongest words of felicitations, our new contemporary, and express our conviction that it will not, like its predecessor, experience an early demise, but that – as we wish – it has come to stay.
That attractive and white Regimental paper of the 17th Lancers — The White Lancers – will, from the 1st January next, be a quarterly journal instead of, as now, a publication of alternate months. From our own experience we think the change will prove satisfactory to the editor and his staff, if not to his readers, who naturally cannot have too much of a good thing.
On the 10th July the Colonel, Captain Cadogan, and the 2nd Lieutenants Gosling and Brocklehurst, with selected N. C. Officers and men, journeyed to Sialkot to take part in Skill-at-Arms with the Twelfth Lancers. An account of the happenings during the meeting is contributed by our Special (Sergeants’ Mess) Correspondent, from which it may be gathered that hosts and guests had a very satisfactory series of encounters – social and in friendly completions.
Besides the competitors, a number of N. C. Officers and men responded to the invitations of the Twelfth, and returned full of the good time they had.
The inevitable result was a counter-invitation to our very good friends, and intimation was very soon sent to them of our desire to give them an opportunity of “evening things up.”Equally inevitable was their ready response to the challenge; its receipt caused us to look forward with pleasurable anticipations to what may be described as the red-letter week of the hot season. The doings are fully set forth in the Gazette, and we leave the subject here with an expressed wish that next year we shall repeat the meeting s; but in sufficient time if the first two meetings result in a draw, as they did this year, to permit a third to decide the rubber.
The Colonel, Mr Fielden and Mr Brocklehurst left Bombay for England, on leave, on the 24th July. The latter rejoined at Pindi on the 20th September; the Colonel having left on ninety days leave has still a few more days to run. They were met in Bombay by Mr Wilson, who had arrived by incoming mail steamer, and rejoined us on the 26th July
The Colonel and Captains Mitford and Kearsey were employed in an official capacity at the great Cavalry Manoeuvres in England. No doubt the colonel, on his return, will have something to tell us about the character of them: they appear to have been conceived and carried out in a thoroughly practical manner, and while there has been much less spectacular display than last year’s work, there can be no question of the superiority of them as a means of training and imparting instruction to officers and men, which is the object of these annual exercises.
Several of the Officers have availed themselves of the summer leaves by shooting in Kashmir; some of the results are given in the article “Shikar in Kashmir” in this issue.
RATHER startling episodes caused us some perturbation during the first week of August. We have had complete immunity from untoward collisions with snakes since we came to the country, and familiarity with these reptiles has not bred that contempt for them for which it is proverbial. Consequently, when on the night of Sunday the 1st August it was reported that Private Taylor (Captain Mitford’s Orderly) had been bitten by a snake, there was quite a flutter of excitement, which developed into admiration for the victim when the story was related. Going to his room after evening stables, he saw a snake disappear underneath his box; taking a small stick, he started to “roll” it out: the snake turned, coiled itself round the stick, and bit Taylor on the hand. Only waiting to kill the reptile, he rushed to the sick-lines, where Shoeing-Smith Ormerod rendered first aid by cauterising the wound. He then sped straight way to the hospital, taking the snake with him. After ten days’ treatment he returned to his duty quite well. He has felt no ill-effects since. It is not known whether the snake was a venomous one, as owing to Taylor having crushed its head out of all recognition, no-one could determine its species.
A SECOND case, which appeared of a much more serious nature, caused us a shock two days later. Just before reveille sounding a very heavy fall of rain commenced, compelling the out-sleepers to rush to cover: one of these was Sir John Milbanke. Hr retired hastily into his bungalow to his bed there. About ten minutes later his Orderly rushed into Captain Cadogan’s room, in the same bungalow, and reported that Sir John was lying on the floor of his bathroom in an unconscious state. Captain Cadogan fled to the bathroom, and found Sir John supported in a sitting posture, by his servants still unconscious of an ashen grey pallor, and with a rash broken out on his body. Three this occurred to his as the possible cause: cholera – a fit – snake bite. As the proper treatment for one of these could be highly improper, perhaps fatal, for the others, without delay he despatched a mounted man to the hospital to summon a doctor, and only waiting to see the patient placed upon his bed, himself galloped of to the Section Hospital for the Assistant Surgeon on duty. With commendable promptitude both medics were on the spot, and the former at once pronounced the case to be snake bite. Sir John had by this time recovered consciousness, and was able to recall things. He related that, on rushing into his bed, he had felt a sting, and thought it was caused by a hornet, having been stung by one a few days before. He went to his bathroom to apply “scrubs , after doing which all was a blank until he awoke to find himself on his bed; anti-venom was injected and steps taken to preserve wakefulness, so fighting coma, which an extreme drowsiness threatened; the indications were ominously grave, but the precautions taken were successful, and at nine o’clock the patient was taken to hospital in a ambulance; his condition was far from reassuring for a time, but we were rejoiced to hear of an improvement during the day, which was so well maintained that on the next day he was well enough to be removed to Murree, and there a complete cure was effected in a few days.
On the 19th August, Mr F. Gordon-Canning, who owns a tea plantation – Pursia, Bettia, Chumparum – in Bengal, arrived on a visit to his nephew, and made a stay with us; his relation of events and experiences during a thirty-five years residence in this country were vastly interesting and instructive too. We can only hope he extracted as great pleasure from his visit as it afforded us, and that he may be induced to repeat it.
ONE of the most pleasing consequences of the “twelfth Lancer Week” was the reappearance, for a few days, of our band. With the Bandmaster, they came down from Murree on the 23rd August, and returned on the 28th. During these days they were kept very busily occupied professionally, and afforded much pleasure to all ranks, increasing our impatience for the time when they return to the Regiment for the winter
COL. CLIFTON BROWN, and Adjutant W. Truman, and Lieuts. Leatham and Wyndham- Quin, the Officers who represented the 12th Lancers in the Inter-Regimental Tournament, were with us from the 25th to the 28th August. Congratulations to them on their efforts, which helped so potently to obtain victory for their Regiment in the Pindi meeting.
Major Crichton, on the termination of his class of instruction at the Poona Veterinary School, rejoined on the 3rd September.
The leave granted to Major Shearman has been extended to the 18th December, when we are informed he will be appointed Brigade Major of the 4th Cavalry Brigade at Colchester. There can be no doubt about the excellence of his selection and, whilst regretting that it has rendered the date of his return to the Regiment so remote, congratulate his on attaining so congeal and suitable a Staff appointment.
A PORTENT of the Approach of the racing season was the appearance of the Official Measurer, Mr Kindersley. He arrived on the 29th September and stayed a couple of days with us. January 11th, 13th and 15th are the days appointed for the Rawal Pindi Winter Meeting.
THE GULMARG Horse Show this year synchronised with the presence of Mr. Neilson, who secured the following awards, with his Martinet:-
Class II C. B. Ponies 14’ 2 and under 1st Martinet
1st Prizes in: Class III Arab Ponies, 14’2 and under
Class VI Polo Ponies Arab Heavy-weights to carry 13’7 st. And over
Class XV For the best polo pony in the show.
With Ivan he took first in Class IX – Ladies hacks, and 2nd in Class IV – English and Colonial Polo Ponies, and his O’Garra was adjudged the second best of the exhibits in Class II – C. B. Ponies 14’ 2 and under.
CAPT. CADOGAN proceeded to England on leave for 90 days, on private affairs of urgency, on the 25th September.
A feature of the season has been the number of men of other Regiments who came to Rawal Pindi on furlough, and stayed with us during their periods of leave. Men of the King’s Dragoon Guards, 12th Lancers, 15th Hussars and some Infantry Battalions have thus spent a portion of the summer, with palpable satisfaction to themselves and to our men. Such interchange of visits cannot fail to promote good fellowship amongst the respective units of those making them.
MRS. Jones, the widow of the late Corporal. Jones, writes from Eastbourne expressing grateful acknowledgements for the generous donations to her, subscribed by the men of “C” Squadron, and the Corporals.
A PARAGRAPH in the East Cumberland News recalls the Mhow days of “D” Squadron’s cricket. It announces that Captain Skalkeld is making strenuous efforts to reform the Cricket Association of the County. The old county Club dropped out of existence in 1890, eclipsed by the stronger attractions of hound trailing, football and wrestling. The first named sport in particular appeals to the Cumberland men, but there is no reason why the game, which has so long be described as our National game should not flourish side by side with these. A very strong Representative Committee has been formed, with Captain Skalkeld as Hon. Secretary, and knowing his keenness we wish him every success.
FROM the same source we learn of another exceedingly interesting event, to wit, the birth of his daughter, and we congratulate Captain and Mrs. Skalkeld thereon.
REPORTS have come to hand of the brave show made by our men on furlough at home, at the wedding of Mr. And Mrs. Parker. Twenty were present, shepherded by Sergeant-Major Brisley lining the aisle and lending pleasing regimental local colour to the ceremony. Captain Mitford was the best of Best Men, and Major Shearman, Captain Gibbs and Messrs. Wilson and Borthwick formed a goodly contingent representing the brother Officers of the bridegroom.
It is foreshadowed in the English papers, and in the Indian ones devoted to sport, that a prominent polo team in England next year, will be almost a Tenth Hussar team, that at least three will be of the Regiment. Should this be so, our interest in English polo will be enhanced, and the progress of the game keenly watched by us.
AN old Tenth Hussar, Shoeing Smith Thomas MacIntosh , who left us after 25 years service, in Newbridge, in 1896, a survivor of the disaster in the Kabul River, has given a interesting account of his experiences on the occasion, which is published with his photograph, and thrilling illustrations in the Royal Magazine for August. The photograph of the narrator indicates prosperity, on which we congratulate him.
ANOTHER old comrade – Mr Fay – has been winning fresh laurels in the arena. The Wellington Weekly News publishes results of a Mammoth Meeting held in that town, at which all the cracks of the county competed, including a half-mile Cycle Handicap which Fay, the scratch man, led throughout, and his win is described as popular and easy. In the One-mile Cycle Handicap Fay is again found as the scratch man, and said to have scored a good win, romping home an easy winner. He also won the Two Mile race with the same ease, and the lap prize.
It is pleasing, but not surprising, to read of the great popularity of another Old Tenth Hussar – Major-General H. S. Gough, C.B., C.M.G. – THE PRESENT Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey. He completes his five years’ service in the appointment today. He has so ingratiated himself in the hearts of the islanders that they petitioned the King, praying that his period of office might be extended, and His Majesty has been graciously pleased to accede to the request. The Jersey Post, discussing the matter says:-
“We sincerely hope that it may please His Majesty to graciously accede to the petition of the memorialists, feeling sure that they voice the sentiments of Jerseymen who fully appreciate the zeal and tact which Major-General Gough has shown in the discharge of his important and responsible duties. It will be remembered that His Excellency Major-General Gough assumed the reins of office at a most critical period of the island’s history so far as its defence was concerned, and with that diplomacy which characterises the true statesman he successfully piloted the barque through the troublous waters. We express the hope that these considerations will weigh with His Majesty, and that it will be our pleasant duty to announce in due course that Major-General Gough will remain with us for a long time to come. The initiative in this movement is being taken by the Jersey Chamber of Commercial Association. We trust that the petitioners’ efforts will be crowned with success. We may add that the memorial is being signed by many persons holding influential positions in the Island.
To his successor, General Sir O’Moore Creagh, V. C., G. C. B., who arrived at Bombay on the 10th September, we offer our hearty welcome, also to Major Wilson, of “ours”, who served on H. E.’s staff as Military Secretary. We trust that the time is near when the Regiment may have an opportunity of expressing verbally how pleased all ranks are that H. E. and his Military Secretary are again sharing with us a sojourn in this country.
After a lapse of just a century and a half, that battle honour of Warburg has been added to those already borne by the Regiment. Unlike the Household Cavalry and Dragoons, regiments of Hussars do not carry Standards or Guidons, and the distinctions won in their legitimate business – fighting – are not so much in evidence with them, as with their comrades in heavier calibre. When sabretaches were part of Hussar kit, the battles in which the Light Cavalry gained honours were displayed on the full-dress sabretache, but today the only Hussar who displays them is the base drummer, and presumably he will have very soon have weighted his sonorous instrument with the new evidence of the prowess of the Old Tenth.
Of course it is universal knowledge that the reason for the non-possession of standards or guidons by Hussars is that they are the troops to whom the Commanders of Forces look for everything that comes within the province of a Cavalryman, or a scout, whose celerity must be the limit of what is attainable, and are not to be hampered by any impediment to their speed.
The battle was fought on the 1st July, 1760, and it may strike many that the recent recognition of a decisive battle, so creditable to all engaged in it, in unduly belated. Taking place in the times of Charles II, and Queen Anne, it has formed the subject of much amused comment in the press, but, after all, there is really nothing of surprise in the circumstance. It is believed that many claims for Peninsula War medals are still unsettled, and when it is remembered that in the middle of the eighteenth century there was no elaborate system of keeping records similar to that which is now established, it is small wonder that the claims of units for distinctions were at time neglected or overlooked. Fortunately the records of the Tenth contains an unimpeachable statement of the Warburg affair, and the Commanding Officer was enabled by it to submit unquestionable proofs of the Regiment’s right to the honour.
Some interesting particulars of the fight, and the events which led up to it, are given in this Gazette.
The Tenth took an important and honourable part in many other battles which up to now have not been recognised, but claims for them have been submitted to the Committee at home to whom the decision in respect to them has been entrusted, and there is every reason to believe that these will, ere long, be added to our laurels.
It is announced that a draught of 1 Sergeant, ¼ Corporal and 100 men is being prepared by the 18th Hussars, and that they will leave England to join us by the Transport sailing on the 14th November.
Squadron Sergeant-Major Cox has been selected to fill a vacancy on the Permanent Staff of the South Irish Horse; his instructions are to proceed home in time to take up his duties with that Regiment at Dublin on the 16th March, from which date his posting and appointment will have that effect.
Our Adjutant has complied a small book of references which can be strongly recommended to all who wish to acquire a knowledge of the regulations on the subject of proficiency, pay, clothing, compensation, conditions of service, etc., which are applicable to a Cavalry Soldier. It is a most useful vade mecum, well worth the small sum for it, which merely covers the cost of printing and binding.
THE communications from Old Comrades, which it was announced in the last issue, would be published in this one, are unavoidably held over until the January number.
One of the results of our Sergeants’ indulgence in furlough at home will be seen in that part of the Gazette which treats of Births and Marriages, and the Married Roll. Two have already conducted brides to the Hymeneal altar, and rumour hath it that there are more “probables.” We congratulate the former, and welcome their wives to the Regiment.
FROM several quarters suggestions have been received that a history of the Regiment, published by instalments in the Gazette would be greatly appreciated; it has therefore been decided to accede to the requests of those readers who have made the suggestion, and the opening chapters will appear in the issue of the 1st January 1910.
SUBSCRIPTIONS received as under are hereby acknowledged:-
The Duchess of Beaufort, to 1st April 1910.
President, Officers’ Mess, XI K. E. O. Lancers, to 1st April 1910.
Major W. Sandys, “V” Royal Horse Artillery, to 1st April 1910.
Sergt. Perley, to 1st July 1910.
Sergt. H. J. Evans, to 1st April 1910
Mr A. Gerard, to 1st October 1910.
Mr E. H. Moseley, to 1st January 1910.
THE receipt of the following contemporaries is also acknowledged:-
The Black Horse Gazette
The Eagle
The White Lancer
Nowhere is the news of the lamentable accident which robbed our former Adjutant – Sir Arthur Lawley – and Lady Lawley of their son, received with greater sorrow than in The Tenth. Mr R. E. Lawley was killed whilst out hunting, at Ootacamund, on Saturday 6th September. He can be described as a Tenth Hussar, in-as-much that he was born in the Regiment and lived with it for the first few years of his life.
His untimely death is genuinely eplored by all ranks, whose deepest sympathy is with his parents and sister in their hour of grief.
The whole Regiment, and “C” Squadron in particular, are deploring the removal from our midst, by death, of the late Sergeant Morgan. All the sadder it appeared to be by reason of its suddenness. Admitted to Hospital on the morning of the 8th September, he breathed his last on the evening of the following day.
He was buried at the Rawal Pindi Garrison cemetery, that God’s acre where so many of our gallant soldiers are resting, free from pain and care. The esteem by which he was held by so many of his friends in the Garrison was eloquently evinced by the large number of representatives of all the Corps left on the plains, who attended to pay this last tribute of regard to the memory of an old and much admired comrade. All Officers present with the Regiment, the whole of the Sergeants and Corporals, and his own Squadron, under the leadership of Captain The Hon. W. Cadogan, with his Squadron Officers – Captain E. W. Williams and Mr Gosling, – many from the Batteries of Royal Horse, Field and Garrison Artillery, from the Departmental Corps and the Royal Sussex Regiment, also some civilians, swelled the solemn cortege which filed into the cemetery to honour the good Soldier. At the graveside were many of the married women of the Tenth and other Regiments.
Mrs Morgan was attended by Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Black and Mrs. Salter. A profusion of floral wreaths were brought or sent to the cemetery, filling the air with the fragrance of freshly cut flowers, and mutually indicating the sorrow of the givers of them.
Owing to the absence of our own band, the band of the 36th Sikhs, kindly lent for the occasion, attended, and played the impressive March in Saul, of Mendelssohn, from the Station Hospital to the cemetery. Four Trumpeters from the Batteries also marched with the funeral party. The pall bearers were Sergt.-Major Black, Staff-Sergt. Farrier Noble, Sergts. Hill, Salter, Mitchell and Pawley.
Never was a soldier confined to his last resting place with greater reverence, or more genuine sorrow, than that with which this last sad office was performed by his deeply affected pall-bearers; the customary three volleys of salute were fired; the Trumpeters sounded the Last Post; Mrs Morgan advanced to the grave-side, knelt, and in broken but audible and clear tones said a prayer. So ended the final phase in the earthly career of a good soldier and comrade, and it can be confidently claimed that the sun of an Indian day never set to the evidences of more genuine grief than those which it illumined on the 10th September, 1909.
Sergeant Morgan was a native of Worcestershire, and was the proprietor of quite a lucrative little business, but the hankering for the life of a soldier proved so strong that he gave up his business, and enlisted for the Tenth, at Evesham, on the 22nd August, 1898. He accompanied the Regiment to South Africa, and was one of the sixty-two who served through the whole of the campaign without quitting the country. He took advantage of the furlough rules in 1906, when he revisited his Worcestershire home, and returned with a bride, to whom our sympathy goes out.
We have also to report to disappearance from the ranks of the Old Comrades, of the late Private Thomas Hill, who was known to his comrades as “Bunker” Hill. Like so many others of whom we have had recently to write, the last days of this old soldier were eased by aid from the Officers of the Regiment, and The Tenth Royal Hussars Aid Society. Residing in Sturry, near Canterbury, where he was discharged after 20 years and 95 days’ service, he suffered from cancer, which totally incapacitated him from any kind of work, and his pension was barely sufficient to obtain the necessaries of life. He had earned a reputation in his neighbourhood as an industrious, exemplary old soldier, and his case excited the interest of Captain G. Boon, late of the buffs, and the Vicar of his parish, the Rev. H. P. Brewer. The former took up his case and made an appeal to the Regiment which, needless to say, was immediately responded to. Simultaneously Genl. Byng also contributed a donation from the Aid Society.
Acknowledgements on behalf of Hill and his wife were received from the Vicar and from Captain Boon.
The former wrote:- “It is indeed kind of his old Officers, and of those now serving, who probably did not know him, to have sent poor old Hill such a liberal allowance. The poor old fellow has got so bad that the Doctor has advised his removal into the Infirmary, where he is patiently awaiting his end, which will very probably come before this reaches you. Captain Boon has paid the Doctor’s bill, and one or two other small debts, and is now, with Hill’s consent, allowing his wife a pound a week. Thankyou for your practical interest in the poor old soldier.”
Captain Boon, in his letter said:- “poor old Hill could not express his thanks in words that I could understand, but his looks, and his military salute when the letter forwarding the money was read, were pathetically eloquent: he and his wife are very grateful for all this kindness from his old Officers, and it has made the poor old man’s last days very much happier than they would have been.” I a later letter Captain Boon says: “I saw Hill a few days ago; he could not articulate, and his attempt to speak was quite unintelligible; his wife tells me his one wish is to have a military funeral.”
The end soon came, and thanks to Captain Boon Hill’s last wish was complied with. Colonel Kenna V. C., commanding the 21st Lancers, very kindly permitted a funeral and firing party of his Regiment to attend the burial ceremony, the coffin was borne on a gun carriage, horsed and driven by members of “B” Battery, R. H. A., and to the Buffs for their kindness to an Old Tenth. It is certain that, were it possible, he would also express his gratification that he, by their intervention, made his earthly exit as a soldier.
ANOTHER Old Tenth Hussar and Crimean Veteran has passed in the person of Doctor Lucas George Hooper, who was appointed to the Staff as Assistant Surgeon on the 28th April 1854, and transferred to The Regiment on the 10th August 1855. He had been serving in the Crimea since the September 1854, and sent to Scutari in charge of wounded, but returned to the seat of War in the following spring, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal and clasp, and Turkish Medal.) Doctor Hooper continued to serve with the Tenth as Assistant Surgeon, and on promotion as Surgeon until 1867 and was very popular with all ranks. These were the days of Regimental Doctors, when that Officer became acquainted with all the Officers and men under his charge, leant their temperaments, and was familiar with their weak spots, if any there were. It followed that more sympathy existed between the Doctor and his patient under those conditions than can possibly be the case under the existing ones, and malingering was not to be thought of.
Doctor Hooper’s influence was great, and for many years after his exodus, a recruit of the surname was inevitably dubbed “Doctor.”
Most melancholy of the deaths we have to record is that of Private Rowley, which was caused by his own act. He joined the Regiment on transfer from the 20th Hussars on 6th September 1905, having previously served nearly 13 years. His total service at the time of death was 16 years and 322 days, including service in South Africa (medal and clasp.) and no less than 11 years and 171 days service abroad.
He was a very clean soldier of retiring habits, and had been for two years employed as regimental storeman. He had, it transpired, been for some time subject to delusions and depression arising from family affairs, which obviously led up to the rash act.
An inquest was held and a verdict of “suicide whilst temporarily insane” declared.
He was buried with full military honours on the 21st September, the whole of his Squadron, “D”, attending. |
Copyright 2019 © Major Pillinger/Richard Pillinger. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited.
The Secretary of the Admiralty states that information has been received from the Commander-in-Chief at the Cape of Good Hope, dated December 3rd, reporting that the transport Ismore struck on the rocks off Columbine Point, near St Helen’s Bay, distant about 75 miles north of Table Bay, in calm, thick weather. The troops had been landed, also a quantity of baggage, most of the guns, swords, carbines and some ammunition. The men were reported to be comfortable and plenty of food available. The Admiralty was sending HM ships Niobe and Doris, also the transport Columbine, with lighters to assist.
A copy of a telegram has been received from the principal transport officer at Cape Town, dated the 4th inst., reporting that the transport Ismore (no 52.)broke up on Sunday night. Her stern is out of water and her bows gone. All hands and 20 horses were saved and will probably entrain to Malmesbury. The Ismore, which went ashore in Helen’s Bay on Sunday morning is the second transport that has come to grief on the voyage to the Cape the Persia having been disabled in a storm at St Vincent while conveying the C Squadron of Dragoons and some men of the Inniskillings on November 8th. In the latter case all the troops and horses were successfully transferred to the transport Goth, but in the case of the Ismore a large number of the horses were lost. She had on board the 63rd Field Battery, Royal Artillery from Bristol, “A” Squadron of the Tenth Hussars and a troop of “B” Squadron of the Tenth Hussars from Aldershot, and No. 9 Company (Bearer) Royal Army Medical Corp from Colchester. The military details would necessarily have with them a considerable number of horses, for the mounted troops on board number 460. As only 20 horses were reported saved, it is feared that the loss of animals is serious, inasmuch as they would not be3 of the chartered class, but selected trained chargers and gun-teams. The value placed upon such animals by military authorities is very considerable, and the loss will be much keenly felt by reason by the dearth of suitable and reliable mounts and gun-teams at the front.
It is too be hoped that the troops will be able to save the six field pieces, if not the wagons and other pieces of the Field 63rd Battery, but nothing is said as to this being effected.
The presence of warships at the scene of the wreck may have been valuable in this respect, assuming that the position of the wreck and weather permitted the sufficiently near approach of the working parties who would have the advantage of the necessary appliances for transferring the guns. The time at the disposal of those on the spot between the hours of the vessel sinking and breaking up to save much other than themselves would seem to have been very limited, and therefore it cannot be hoped that any considerable proportion of the vessel’s war stores can have been saved. It is known that with the troops were landed some guns, swords, carbines etc. and ammunition; but the bulk of Ismore’s cargo cannot have been landed in the time available. It will be remembered that the Ismore endeavoured to leave England in a gale, and after futile attempts took shelter in Moelfre Bay on the Anglesey coast until November 8th, when she put to sea four days late.
The Ismore had on board 400 rank and file of various sections. The 63rd Field Battery consisted of six officers, 170 men and 140 horses, with six 15 pounder guns 11 four-wheeled military vehicles, ambulance wagons, and stores. The Bearer Company of the Royal Army Medical Corps on board consisted of one officer and 52 men, with ambulance wagons and fittings. The A squadron and troop of B squadron of the Tenth Hussars on board numbered about 180 officers and men. There were altogether about 250 horses shipped, together with numerous wagons and vehicles. Major W Paget is the officer commanding the Field battery , and Major Alexander the Hussars.
The Press Association added that 230 valuable horses have been lost to the British cavalry and artillery proceeding to the front by the wreck of the Ismore. It is scarcely possible that the numerous ambulance wagons and other vehicles referred to in the above telegram can have been saved owing to the difficulties of transfer, and consequently one of the most important non-combative branches of the military service has lost probably their conveyance and medical equipment and supplies.
From the Glasgow Herald 3rd December 1889
By kind Permission of the British Library Board.